Thursday 23 June 2022

The things you learn when you have no "wifi" - Part 1

It’s been a long time since I have travelled in a country without ‘wifi’ or navigation at my fingertips. I remember the good old days when you had to read a map made from paper and follow the road signs. While there are some countries where it is almost impossible to NOT get lost, in New Zealand this is not the case.  However, I learned a lot when travelling ‘unplugged’ of sorts, on a recent trip. You realise how reliant we become on the ability to instantaneously access whatever we want, whenever we want, when suddenly, ‘wifi’ is not available. We rely on it for navigation, music, booking accommodation, finding petrol and food stops, weather, booking attractions and general communication. 


Mostly I found it very freeing to hit the road with my favourite downloaded playlist (some people don’t even have that), pen and paper, my camera charged and food and drink in my fridge. But I also learned/re-learned a lot. 


I have learned that you need to do your homework beforehand. It is important to be prepared and have a general idea of where you are heading and what you want to see along the way. It is helpful to have some sort of paper(tangible) map. You need to have an idea of how long it is going to take and then in NZ add another hour onto that as traveling around the mountains always takes longer than they say it will. I learned that the hard way. It is important to read the road signs well, as they are your main guide to getting to your destination. It helps to be more focused on what you are looking at along the way. 


It is important to always be aware of your petrol levels because you never know when next you can stop to fill up. The great thing about being in a self-contained van is that food or drink is never a problem. I could stop anywhere along the side of the road and fill my tummy or quench my thirst, even rest and sleep If I wanted to. But I can imagine if you are just on the journey in a car, watching all these levels would be important as well. 


I never quite knew how far I had to go at times, or where I was going to stop. Sometimes that was a little disconcerting, but most times it is very freeing. In fact, with my camera and beautiful scenery I lost track of time all together most days, and so I learned the hard way to watch my time and what I can fit into a day.  It is good to know when the sun sets and rises each day, so you have a general idea of the boundaries of good travelling hours. Of course, you need wifi for this, so at some point you need to find FREE wifi to access this information, beforehand. 


I think the thing I found most freeing was the lack of distraction from the world. There were no ‘pings’ and notifications telling you of all the things that were are going on in the world.  My phone became a second memory catcher and a music player.  It is a wonderful day when you can get lost in nature, with a song in your heart and a camera in hand. 


It may all sound simple, until you run out of petrol or your van breaks down. Or when you hurt yourself on a walk in the middle of nowhere, you have no food, water or ‘wifi’ to call for help. It wouldn’t be long till you’re in the dark, all alone and suddenly this freedom adventure is not so fun anymore. In order for that to not happen you need to …


·      Be prepared

·      Know where you are heading

·      Watch carefully for the signs

·      Be mindful of your energy/fuel levels

·      Know your safety boundaries 

·      Connect with the right people when you can. 


Not a bad way to live each day. We are all on a journey, and we must take some responsibility for where we land each day. 


It is said that early in Jesus’ life, he grew 

“In wisdom and stature and favour with God and man” – Luke 2:52. 

I have always loved this balanced and wholistic way of life that Jesus modelled. He valued wisdom, he cared for himself physically, he knew who to listen to and who to turn to. He set him up for every trial and challenge he had in front of him. He didn’t complain or blame others when the challenges hit, he was prepared, mindful, purposeful and surrounded himself with the right people. 


 It is so easy to blame others when the wheels fall off life, when you hit a pothole, get lost or suddenly find yourself in a place you hadn’t planned to be. We can sit and cry out “why me”, or “it is not fair,” or just get plain angry. If we are not willing to be prepared, know where we’re heading, watch carefully for the signs, be mindful of energy levels, be safe and connect with the right voices, then to expect the journey and all the good things that come with it to just fall in your lap is not realistic. I am thankful for the life skills and problem solving and courage that ‘travel’ and trying new things has taught me. I think it has made me a stronger person.  Choosing not to have “wifi” on this trip, helped me engage in a whole lot of skills I forgot I had. I know I have the skills to get me out of most situations, but we only know that if it is tested, or we are willing to step out and give things a go ourselves. It helped that I knew my purpose and end game, I was prepared and was very mindful of my strength and boundaries.  


What adventure or risk have you taken lately?  When is the last time you tested and stretched yourself, to see where it could take you? Or importantly, what are you missing out on because you’re not willing to disconnect from the safe ‘online’ world and see what the real world wants to teach you?


1 comment:

  1. The job my husband and I are doing right now was a really big risk for us. We didn't have hardly any experience, we live 3 hours from groceries. Everything is run off of propone and a generator. It's been extremely hard, I don't show that when I share updates, but it has been. In all of this I've felt God is trying to really teach me to let go. This is something I can't quite say I've been able to do. Slowly, we are getting there
