Friday 13 March 2015

We need to look UP more often

I looked UP from my fast pace today to see a box that said..

"Just 5 cents can give a child clean water for 2 days"  from UNICEF.
100s of people walk (rush) past this box each day. Who notices, who cares ? How can this be ? How many look UP or OUT of their world to see? How did we get to this stage where things are so out of proportion that it is not even noticed as we walk past in a rush to deal with todays "first world" problems?

Will I have to wait in a long line to get my coffee?
Will the traffic be so bad that I can't get to my lunch appointment in time?
I am so hungry because I skipped breakfast as I slept in, in my comfortable lush bed.
The wifi is not working so I can't check to see how many "likes" I got on the photo I posted yesterday.

Lord help me, why can't I keep my chin UP and be happy with my blessed life, when sometimes my day is bad because ....... kids can't work together and do some odd jobs around the House.
......because I can't pay off my debt as quick as I would like from a wonderful holiday we just had as a family.
......because the power is flickering in the house which is cutting into my work time and what I can achieve during the day.
..... because I can't scratch everything off my daily list.
......because my son wants to borrow the car because he has no petrol in his own car because he has spent all his money on slushies at Hungary Jacks.
......because I can't lose weight that I want to because I have to drink 8 glasses of water a day to help this process and I HATE drinking water because it tastes boring.

Lord help me get perspective when all a child somewhere in the world needs is 5 cents because they would like to have a drink of CLEAN water......for them it doesn't taste is life giving.

"Rejoice in The Lord always and again I say rejoice" I used to sing as a child. (Phil 4:4)

Lord help me to look UP to you. To always keep your perspective on what's important, what is possible and what you call us to do.

"For those to whom much is given much is expected." (Luke 12:48)

Lord help me to say thankyou more often, to ask how I can be a part of the change, so that one day there will not be some of us who have more than we need at the expense of others. I pray for the day where everyone will have what they need.

As I look UP to you, today I pray......

Our father who is in heaven, thankyou for who you are.
Give everyone this day their daily bread and water.
Forgive us when we have forgotten our part to play in this world and help us to forgive each other as we have lost focus on what is important in a world of wanting it all for ourselves.
Lead us not into self-centred desires that can harm or disadvantage others through our own selfishness.
For in your kingdom everyone has what they need, no one goes hungry or thirsty. May your kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven.

"You're in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You're ablaze in beauty!
  Yes. Yes. Yes." (Mathew 6:13 (the message)

We need to look UP more, UP toward you so that we live daily from your perspective, and look UP at the world around us to see how we can be a part of the change.........for some of us it only will cost 5 cents.

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