Thursday 24 July 2014

Full bins and empty tanks

We all have things that we don't like to do, things that bother us more than normal. You might call them your "pet peeves". For me, I don't like styling my hair in the mornings, I don't like teabags being left in the sink and when people say "whatever" as an answer for everything.  They are often not big things and basically we often just need to get over them and move on.  But two of "peeves" that really affect me are filling up my car with petrol and the fact that the bins in our house are always constantly full and overflowing.

When it comes to filling the petrol tank I avoid it as much as I can, even to the point of planning it that so when the levels get low, I plan it so someone else drives the car, so they have to fill it up for me.  Also, I ever go to drive my husband’s car, and it needs petrol, I will change plans or drive another car just to avoid the process.  I actually find that holding the pump in his big car hurts my hand, how pathetic am I? Pretty sad right!

As for the bins in our house, it seems that no matter how hard I try to keep the bin empty, it is always full. This is not about avoiding the process of emptying the bin, but quite the opposite, we empty it every day, it is not a hassle, it just seems like it never really makes a difference.

I was reminded just recently that God doesn't waste anything. When our eyes are open He can teach us something even through "full bins and empty tanks". This was certainly the case recently. The light was on, the fuel gage was flashing empty and I knew that I HAD to fill the car with petrol. But, I also had to be somewhere and so I thought I would be smart and just stop and put $10 in the car. This way I wouldn't be late for the meeting and I wouldn’t have to spend as much time holding the pump. I was thinking I was being clever. Yes, I got to my meeting on time, but of course the next day the tank was heading toward empty again. I thought to myself "I was just here yesterday, do I really have to do this again?”  I got home to start some work only to find the bin was full again. As I was out at the bin, mumbling under my breath about the wasted morning of filling tanks and emptying bins.... I hear His voice, that still quiet voice. The one that says, "Hmmm...something to think about Tammy, why is it so hard for you to fill your tank?  The car will not run well unless it is full. Why is it so hard for you to take the time to do what is best for the car and ultimately for you? Then, why do you need so much junk? Is it all necessary? What really is necessary?

Ok, ok, ok I got it. Lord, help me change my attitude. I should be happy to fill the tank. Why do I have so much junk and waste piling up so often? Help me switch my perspective, help me see what is really necessary, help me to refocus.

 Of course there is a spiritual process here. The filling process is not a waste of time, it is vital. I know how much I love to spend time with my Father In heaven, but I have to admit, if the bin is full and I am sitting down to have time with God, I am tempted to empty the bin first, or empty my email box of junk mail, or tidy my desk, or tick something off my “to do list”, or just look at that Facebook notification of someone posting a picture of a random meal they ate. How easily we are distracted with the unnecessary instead of focusing on the necessary. I can actually justify the importance of crossing things off my daily list as more important than spending time filling my tank from the one who gives me life and purpose.

I am reminded of when Jesus went to visit Mary and Martha and way Martha fussed and Mary sat at His feet amidst all that was going on. Jesus says to Martha "you're fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing, One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it- it's the main course and it will not be taken from her" (Luke 10:42, The Message). Mary chose to fill her tank and disregard the many other things that could clutter that moment.   

We seriously have way too much rubbish and clutter in our lives.  Often the things we need most, that would give us the energy to continue on in life we are constantly running low on. What's in your rubbish bin? Is it always full? How is your spiritual tank? Does it need refilling today?

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