Monday 2 June 2014

To BE or NOT to BE twisted, that is the question?

Some young adult girls and I have been meeting together in a group called “TWISTED”.  Like Ecc 12 says,  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. The desire was to create a space where young girls aged between 12 and 21 (and myself) could be twisted with each other and with God. To create a space where they could grow and support each other as young “Godly” woman.  The course ended and we sat down together to chat about whether the group wanted to remain TWISTED together.  As each girl, in turn, shared what they had valued about being a part of the group and I sat back and listened.  I was amazed how in such a short time, how deep the relationships had formed. For those who were there, there was a strong hesitancy of not wanting the group to end, and for some the thought of unraveling was a very sad thought.  I wondered, “What does I mean to be or not to be TWISTED?  For, there were some that started with us that unraveled themselves from the group very early and choose not to be connected, not to be vulnerable, not to share. As a result they had drifted away and didn’t make it to the end of the course. There are others that threw themselves right into it and felt so connected that the thought of stopping or not being a part of this group made them cry. There was one young that had to unravel as she was leaving the country and there was pain for many who didn’t want her to leave. There were others that skirted around the edges and stayed close enough to gain something, but didn’t give very much to others. 

I wondered why do we choose to NOT be TWISTED, involved, connected, and accountable even. It is that we are afraid of getting hurt?  Because If that is the reason, I saw a lot of pain from the girls who didn’t want to stop meeting and a lot of pain from the girls as they realized those who weren’t with us. It seems that pain happens either way, we just have to decide what kind of pain is better, the pain were we are all alone or where we get to cry together.

As King Solomon said in Eclesiastes 12:13–14

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

King Solomon reflects back on a life that was long on experience but short on lasting rewards. As king, he had the opportunity and resources to pursue the rewards of wisdom, pleasure, and whatever he desired. Yet I cant help but get the feeling that as was reflecting that he wished for a simpler life, lived in light of God’s direction. And though he was probably never really lonely, one must ask did anyone really know Him?
Ultimately, the great truth of Ecclesiastes lies in the acknowledgment of God’s ever-present hand on our lives. Even when injustice and uncertainty threaten to overwhelm us, we can trust Him and follow after Him.
I see it too many times, when things get tough and uncertain, that people run away rather than push into God and those that love them. That’s when we need to be TWISTED even more, yet it is the time when people most often unravel.
As with the community that I am involved in, we seek to live in a way that reflects true community. We have been surprised how many find this really hard and would rather unravel themselves and stay on the outside, especially if it means avoiding showing weakness, pain, failure or hurt, and especially forgiveness. True community means that it is messy, uncomfortable, embarrassing and yet rich and loving as well.  I am amazed at those who would rather sit in a pew, shake someone’s hand as they leave a service, without noone really knowing them at all rather than live in the kind of community that Christ calls us to.
We see the UNRAVELLING in marriages, friendships, families, churches, and in the workplace. We see it everywhere. The sad thing is that whatever we choose to stay TWISTED or to go it alone, we can’t avoid “pain”. We can numb it, we can distract, we can deny, we can run, we can disconnect, we can isolate but it is still painful. So to be or not to be TWISTED, that is the question. We can do it alone or with others. I understand the desire to run away and hide. I also know that those are the times when we need God the most and often need just ONE person that knows us so well that whatever is going on, you know they will love, forgive and listen. That is what is means to be TWISTED, to live in true community. It is a choice……its your choice, I know which I choose…how about you?


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