Monday 17 March 2014

Parenting ......It's more about how you finish.......

There are so many times as parent when you feel like you fail your kids, and you just wish you were stronger, more self controlled, more wise, more like....”God” really .....Or is that just me!
Last week my daughter was having an anxiety attack. She was working her way up to being very distressed and as often happens it was the same day that I had had a difficult day and was feeling like I needed space. She started as she was going to bed and I could see she was getting all worked up. We all know that when we are tired, this is not a time to have a deep conversation. As she started, I could feel myself bubbling inside and although I am mid 40's and should know better, I lost it and told her that “I couldn’t do this tonight; she would have to deal with this herself."  I closed the door and went to my room to have space.  Now there’s a "collision" of the negative kind.

As I sat in my room thinking what a horrible mum I am, there was a knock on the door. My teenager crept in and looked at me with "blood red eyes" and said "I am so sorry mummy for upsetting you, I will deal with this myself" and then she left. Now I am feeling even worse, here she is apologising to me, because I lost it and couldn't be mature enough to be there for my daughter in her anxiety issues.   
She needed her mum and I was not there for her, worse, I told her to go away. Yes, knowing when we need space and being able to regroup to be there for someone else is important at times, but what had I just done to my child?
When you collide with others, no one is untouched; it changes everyone who is a part of the collision. Sometimes this painful, sometimes it is not, sometimes it is negative, sometimes is is positive, but it always brings change.  
The word collision is defined in The Colin’s[1] English Dictionary simply as:
to conflict in attitude, opinion, or desire; clash; disagree
to crash together with a violent impact”.
 I knew this feeling that night...... but I actually believe that "collisions" can also have the potential to be life transforming experiences that create environments for spiritual growth for all involved..
In physics, collisions refer to the close approach of two or more particles or substances that results in a abrupt change of momentum or exchange of energy[2] Now that sounds better.

So in that moment I had a choice. I could sit in my room and enjoy my space alone. I could sit a cry about what a failure of a mother I was or I could grow up, put my own stuff aside and be there for my daughter the best way I could.  In God's transforming strength, I went into her room, apologized for not being there for her, we hugged and cried. I said very calmly,  "right now, what I can give you is a loving cuddle, a space to feel safe, while we watch something on the TV, but there is to be no talking, just cuddles and re-direction of our emotions, till we have a good night’s sleep and talk about all this in the morning". We spent the next 2 hours in silence, (anyone who knows my daughter knows how hard that that was for her)., in each other’s arms, watching a TV show. And that night we both slept well.
Our collision may not have started positive, but it ended well. We were both stronger in ourselves and we are closer to each other for it.  There are many times when we shouldn't run from a "collision", or even berate ourselves for not getting it right the first time. “Collisions” can be messy, always challenging,  but if we push into them, and as a result I believe we will grow and be transformed because of it.  I believe I am a better mum, when I say sorry, don’t give up, and remind myself, I will not get it right every time, but there’s always time for recovery, saying you are sorry and trying again.

[1] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

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1 comment:

  1. This is great Tam - and love the photo of you. That's a face I remember! And now you have one like that looking back at you. That's life, eh?
