Monday, 2 May 2016
Tammy Tolman : If you could walk a mile in my shoes
NEW BLOG : If you could walk a mile in my shoes: I was in a situation recently where I wasn't leading at a camp but simply observing from the outside. It was a camp for troubled kids ...
If you could walk a mile in my shoes
I was in a situation recently where I wasn't leading at a camp but simply observing from the outside. It was a camp for troubled kids and their behaviour was very disturbing at times. This is not unusual, as I have been directing camps like this for over ten years now. What surprised me was my internal reaction to what I was observing.
It is so easy to make assumptions, to think you know better and even to make judgements when you sit on the sidelines and observe. And it is not something I am very proud of. But I realised how differently everything is seen when you are in thick of it, emotionally invested and willing to take a responsible role in the running of such an event, which means taking responsibility for what is happening, both good and bad. In all my years of working with children and people, I do know that “There is always a reason why we behave the way we do.” I teach all the time the importance of looking beyond the misbehaviour for the cry for help and yet I so easily broke my own rules as I piously sat on the sidelines, trying to control my emotions of frustration and judgement.
Then I wondered how many other times in life could this be true? We may watch other parents and make assumptions. We can see or read something about other churches or ministries and make judgements. We even observe other people's choices and behaviour at times and, without knowing the full story, it is so easy to watch from a distance and "throw stones" as the saying goes. I wonder how aware we are that we are doing it!
I love living and doing life in an “Intergenerational Faith Community.” Living and doing life within our faith community has bonded us all in special ways and with that special bond comes a love and grace to know each other, the good and the bad and ugly, and still to choose to walk together, as we desire to grow more and more like Him. I understand that others standing on the outside may see it differently. I have often wondered why more people don't want to join this kind of community. Yet, I understand why many find this threatening and choose to sit on the sidelines, possibly just attend a service on a Sunday, not get too close to many. But I wonder if that makes it too easy to find themselves like me, making judgements from the sidelines. It is easier to do, after all. It does not require any sacrifice or cost to me personally to live in such a way. I often hear people say to me: “I am a Christian, but I am not connected to any Church.” I get it. I understand it, but without trying to be judgemental, I don’t believe it is God’s design or the model we see from Jesus when He walked this earth.
As the saying goes, "if you could walk a mile in my shoes..." I wonder how differently we would live if we could really understand and empathise with others. I was challenged by this as I realised how easy it was to simply sit back, watch and commentate from the sidelines. But actually, Jesus calls us to walk closely with others, to jump in boots and all and walk more than a mile in other peoples’ shoes. It is only when we do that that we have the right to make a difference, an opportunity to truly help and as we do we can’t help but be transformed in the process.
So I say... Get off the sidelines and into the actual game. Get off your Soapbox and start to do something about it. Get off the comfortable pew and "walk a mile in someone else's shoes," and watch what a difference it makes to you and those around you.
Friday, 22 April 2016
Just a flip of a switch - keeping communication lines open with your teens
It is a strange place to find yourself; as a parent of a
teenager. To discover suddenly that what was acceptable communication yesterday
is not today. I want to ask "who flipped the switch?"
It is no
surprise and I have been waiting for it, as it is no secret that all teens go
through this time when parents can do or say nothing right ...but still when it
happened it caught me off guard. I am right in the middle of it, with one 15
year-old and one that is 18 years old. Yet I am surprised how the rules of
engagement can change from day to day or hour to hour. So, not only does the
switch flip, but it feels like it is flipping up and down constantly and to navigate
what position we are in at any given time is almost impossible.
I do not intend this blog to become an opportunity to
complain about teenagers, especially my own, as I happen to feel I have two exceptionally
wonderful teens. As biased as that is, I stand by it. This is more about what I
am learning about how to navigate this interesting season.
It is hard to be in a place where your opinion is not seen to
be valued. It challenges me to think about where I get my value?
I am
learning to continually see myself in the image of God, and as His child, as
well as continually handing my children over to Him, knowing that He hasn't
finished with any of us yet. It reminds me that this season and these
challenges are not about me, but about my teens learning and growing and needing
to question, to widen their circle and seek out what they believe. AND I am
learning that when I do get emotional about them not valuing my opinion, often
it simply shuts down the potential lines of future communication.
It is hard to be in a place where the conversation seems
completely irrational to me and when I try to bring some rationality to the situation,
it sends the conversation to an ugly place. It challenges me make to think
about what is the right response as a parent in this space?
I am
learning that one thing they need right now is for me to listen, listen and
listen. It reminds me that they need me to empathise no matter how ridiculous
it sounds as it is simply a part of the process and often the irrational
verbalisation is important for them to hear out loud for themselves more than
anything else. AND I have learned to apologise A LOT, for
not listening and speaking too much.
It is hard to be in a place where I am asked for my opinion,
but when it is not what they want to hear, then I become the enemy. It
challenges me to consider that HOW I respond can make
all the difference.
I am
learning not to take this personally and to see that sometimes being the
punching bag is because they feel safe to vent with me. I am learning that a
response like "that is really tough", "I am sorry to hear that
" or "I am confident that you will make the right choice", or
"have you thought about talking to ... (a mentor/coach/trusted older
person) about this ?" is often better than them hearing my opinion. AND I
have learned that this is a really important time for others’ voices in my teens’
It has reminded me of the importance of coaches and mentors
for both myself and the kids. I am thankful for the people in my life who have
walked this road before, who listen to me and help me see the funny side of
some of the conversations, because sometimes all I can do is to laugh it off
and let it go. I am thankful for a wonderful husband and life partner, which means
I am not alone and that we get to walk this season together. We often find that when one is weak the other
is strong and together we get there eventually. I am thankful for the men and
woman in my teens’ lives who they can go to and hear the same advice I would
give, but that they will actually listen to. I encourage anyone with younger
children that NOW is the time to start being strategic about placing the right
people in your kids’ lives so that when they become teenagers the trust is
already there for your teens to go to them.
This season challenges me to stay the course, keep the end in
mind, keep short accounts of conversations, let go, draw closer and talk
(sometimes cry) to my perfect Heavenly Father. ABOVE all, do whatever it takes
to keep the lines of communication OPEN. Irrespective of whether the switch is
up or down ... because while it can flip any second ... open lines,
unconditional love, a calm and listening ear, wisdom from above and a willingness
to say sorry... will get us through this season.
I have to believe that. I am not there yet ... I will keep
you posted.
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