Thursday, 14 May 2015

The Rhythm of BOTH/AND in daily life

There has been much discussion in the Church about whether we should be all together across the ages or whether we should be in divided age groupings. There are positives and negatives for both camps. I believe that if we could get into the rhythm of “BOTH/AND” we could get the best of both worlds. The trouble is the conversation has been more about “EITHER/OR” and I know I have been guilty of being a part of these conversations over time.

Take time to STOP and consider your rhythms in daily life
with the people you do life with.

As I STOP to consider this week of “life together” in our community, I see that daily we oscillate in the BOTH/AND rather than the EITHER /OR.  All have been positive and have their value. Last Sunday was filled with time across the ages of eating together, worshiping, praying and sharing all together(Generational connections/Big story of the Bible/ Encounters with Jesus). Then in our home over the past 2 days different ages have come together to spend intentional time together (Mentoring) as well as quality family time over meals. Last night my husband and I were out having a date night (family) and we came home to my daughter (14years) leading worship in our lounge with her peers and a message from my son (17years) saying he was at his peer’s house playing drums and worshipping with a full house of young adults. My husband sat out in the car park (because we didn’t want to disturb what God was doing) praising God for positive peer groups and yet very thankful that Sunday was full of all the ages coming together to celebrate and worship our God (Generational Connections). 

Today, our community tutors young kids in Maths and English. It is such a joy to see teenagers, young adults and the elderly all serve together to help struggling children in their school work. (Mentoring and coaching/responding with compassion/Serving in mission). 

The next two days we will see elderly groups and the youth connect separately for Positive peer groups and then next Sunday comes around and we will all be together across the ages (Generational connections) in a space we called CONNECT.  This is simply an account of some of the things that happen with the people I do life with over this week. It is the rhythm of our community. It is a BOTH/ AND rhythm.
The key is a rhythm where these aspects are BOTH/AND and that we are intentional about them. As a family and a community of faith we desire to create spaces where this is an important part of daily life. It is important to take time to STOP every now and then and consider how you spend your days? What is important? Why do we do what we do? What has eternal value? Are we being intentional about this precious and limited time we have on earth? If we STOP and find that it is more a case of EITHER /OR then I think we have a problem. Is it PROGRAMS or PEOPLE? Is it WORK or FAMILY?  Is it AGED BASED EVENTS or ALL TOGETHER? Is it LEISURE or SERVING. If it is either/or, rather than both/and we are missing key elements of our faith formation.
Q: What is your weekly rhythm? Q: What is your monthly rhythm?  Take some time to STOP and think about it. It will tell you a lot about what you value as parents, pastors and leaders.
If you want to think more about Lifelong transformational discipleship across the ages visit

Friday, 24 April 2015

Colliding with the World

We had a baptism down at the local rock pools this year. As people walked by on their afternoon walk along the beach they were fascinated to watch a young man stand and speak out for Jesus and about how he chooses to follow Him in his daily life. 

This young man had come from Buddhism, so this was a complete change and a decision that was very “deep” for him. It meant the world to him to publically say that he wants to live DAILY with CHRIST at the centre of his life.  Some people watched from afar, some people probably walked past laughing and snickering. There were some who stopped and chatted to us as they were friends from the past, so it gave us a chance to reconnect and chat about what we were doing. Some came to the baptism who did not believe, but wanted to support the young man, and it was a great way to include them and share Jesus’s love. Then there were others of us who enveloped him as family, prayed and sang with joy as we shared this moment with him. For many of us, this young man’s example stirs us all on, for baptism is a great reminder of our own faith choices and how we need to walk with Jesus daily. This was a personal experience for us all, as we were able to share it together. Then most us of grabbed “fish and chips” and hung around the beach as one big extended family, all ages together. What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

When I grew up, I was taught by example and teaching that baptism was something you did in Church as with baby dedications, communion and … well let’s be honest, generally any show of religious conviction or belief. These ceremonies were formal and structured and usually within a tightly programmed service.
I remember reading with Sam (my son) when he was much younger, the passage that talks of not hiding your light under a bucket and being a light to the world (Matthew 5:15). Sam, who has not grown up in the same Church environment I had, asked why so many Christians go inside a building on a Sunday morning, if we are supposed to be a light to the world. I thought it was a very good question.
John the Baptist was such a radical in his time.  Being the son of a Priest, he would have grown up in a privileged upper class religious family, where offering sacrifices, officiating at festivals and performing ritual cleansing called “baptisms” were a regular part of his upbringing.  He would have been expected to follow in his father’s footsteps. “Baptisms” in those days were a way that pilgrims were made clean from having contact with other cultures and religions. It always happened around the temple where special baths were set up, so they could be clean to go and offer their sacrifices to God.
Can you imagine the disruption John would have caused being seen baptising people in the local river rather than the private, holy baths set up near the temple? He was bringing a new kind of baptism with a radical new meaning. John the Baptist was called to bring a re-think, a new paradigm, to rattle the status quo, to prepare the way for Jesus, who would take it to a new level again. So imagine the statement Jesus makes as he joins this growing protest movement, by asking to be baptised in the local river, as his first public act. What a collision with the world...what a statement.
For John the Baptist the key word was REPENT. He was calling all to PUBLICALLY show that they have made a choice to “re-think everything”, to choose to have a deep turn around in their thinking and values. A baptism is a great way TODAY to be re-reminded of this and for it to TRULY be PUBLIC is a great COLLISION with the world.
So am I saying that Baptisms in a church are wrong? Not sure if that was John the Baptist’s point, nor mine, but I do know we are called to collide with the world. I do know we are called to be a light in the darkness. I do know that if our passion and conviction to live as Christ is ONLY displayed inside a building, at a prescribed time of day, on a prescribed day of the week, I think we have missed the power of the message of both John the Baptist and Jesus who call us to “Go out and share His love to all who will listen.” A baptism is but one great way to COLLIDE with the world and share our “passionate” choices with anyone who passes, with those that we walk with and those who will listen.

Thursday, 16 April 2015


How do we help others to be “Here2Stay”, when there are so many reasons for “them2go.” The world is to be explored. The “prodigal story” is alive and well in 2015. In Western Society in particular the world is their oyster, and we have been taught that we are our own “Destiny Makers.” As a mother, a pastor, a friend and motivator I am constantly searching for a way to encourage others to walk closely with God and make Him the centre of their life, their whole lifelong.
I have been privileged to talk with over 500 leaders throughout Australia in the last month and I was encouraged to hear these key words resonant with many of the leaders. If we are going to help our people be “here2stay” we need to re-think what discipleship looks like.
Imagine if everything we did or said came from a foundation of creating a culture of discipleship? Of seeing discipleship as “Lifelong faith formation.” What would that look like? What could that look like? I think it would look a little like what Jesus did with those He walked with.
  • Lifelong – There is no age limit. The only best time to start is at -1 and the best time to stop is when we are passed.
  • Intentional – We need to be focused with the end in mind, and make every moment matter.
  • Relational – Deep Authentic Relationships take time, love, acceptance, listening and sharing.
  • Holistic – We need to re-think our silos in our personal lives and with others. In every aspect of life our tendency is to segment, isolate, specialise as we make our destiny. It is not the way we were created by our Maker.
  • Environments – When we change our language from “Programs” to “Environments” we start to re-think how to use time and resources to create spaces where faith formation can occur.
  • The Generations – We are part of a much BIGGER story. Our story becomes much more real and valid when we are colliding with the generations.
  • Do Life Together –A journey with others, a joint passion, a story shared.

    I know the road is narrow and for “them2go” will always be an easier wide road to travel. But I do believe we are still called to be the voice in the wilderness to call them “here2stay.” God longs for a lifelong relationship with us all, and as our true DESTINY MAKER His design for us all is the best.

    So our only response is to start somewhere.

    Let me finish with a story of HOPE I have found when you fight for A LIFELONG, INTENTIONAL, RELATIONAL, HOLISTIC ENVIRONMENT where THE GENERATIONS DO LIFE TOGETHER.It was a simple Passover meal, in a home where all ages gathered to eat, drink, laugh, be TOGETHER, but mostly to REMEMBER. It doesn’t have to be complex, taxing on the few. Everyone brings something to add to the table. But it does have to be INTENTIONAL. ALL AGES were there, and over the past 9 years an ENVIRONMENT has been created where there is genuine love and acceptance.

    After the simple meal of lamb, hummus, koftas, Lebanese bread and salad we move to the lounge area. We huddle into a smaller space and don’t mind being all on top of each other and with 40 candles ablaze we recount together the things that Jesus said on the night He ate with his friends, 2000 years ago. He said “how I have longed to share with you this meal tonight.” As I looked around the room with the people I get to do life with, I felt those strong emotions for different reasons. I know Jesus was about to do something very difficult, but I know Jesus also said those words out of deep love for those in the room that had become his family. I felt “that there is nowhere I would rather be right now.”As all ages shared a truth of Jesus, there was loving silence most when Sophie, one of our youngest stood to read very softly and seriously “Ï am the way the truth and the life” and she put out one of the candles. And then one of our elderly stood to read her statement and couldn’t help but do a little skip of pure joy and say “praise God” as God’s love oozes out of her as she puts out another candle. On and on we go till there is one candle left. All focused and centered on that candle as we are remember the 39 lashes, the one off 40, which is a death sentence and the final candle that represents Jesus and the price he paid for US. We remember, we pray, we worship as we huddle together in a room 2000 years later.
We finished and I expected then many would leave. Even though there was Baklava to be eaten, with the range of young families, older couples, teenagers and empty nesters there on the eve of the Easter long weekend, surely once the formalities are over it would be time to split. I thought it would be time for “them2go” but no one would leave. They were “here2stay.” In fact the noise of the talk was so loud at times I could hardly hear myself speak. All ages, laughing and telling stories together, and it wasn’t the men in one corner, the woman in another and the teens on their devices in the other corner. It was real conversation, all ages mixed up. An environment was created where all ages could collide. It was beautiful. It was a night to remember, an experience to anchor us all to each other and to Jesus. 
Sure it was just one night, 12 days ago, but it was enough to know that we will continue to do whatever it takes to create these environments for our people to be “here2stay.” Is it that crazy to think it is possible? Jesus created an experience to anchor us all 2000 years ago and we still remember it today. What will it take? What are we called to do or stop doing to see this happen for the people we are called to walk with? How can we create environments where people will be “here2stay” in lifelong discipleship with Jesus and each other till we meet our savior again?
These key words have given us a language and a foundation to re-think and change the way we do Church with  the sole desire that our people would be “here2stay.” There are no guarantees, but I know that those who are willing to walk this journey together are “here2stay.”